Best Non-Surgical Procedures for Aging Skin Around Neck
If you are showings signs of a “turkey neck” yet you’re not ready for invasive surgical procedures, join us as we countdown to the best neck lift treatment without surgery to fix your neckline woes.
Patient Mailbox: Is Botox Safe?
I heard that Botox may cause permanent discoloration around the eye area, droopy eyelids, and even death. Could you share with me the benefits of Botox treatments, and its risk and side effects?
5 Signs You Are Ready For Botox
How do you know when is the right time to go under the needle? We weigh in the top 5 telltale signs that indicate you are ready for Botox treatment.
Patient Mailbox: How can I get rid of dark eye circles?
The dark eye circle is a fairly common problem among people of all ages. Before we take a look at the available treatments, let us first understand what causes dark circles under eyes.
7 Common Causes of Dark Eye Circles
Have you slept for 8 uninterrupted hours but wake up still looking tired? Does the slang “panda eyes” or “raccoon eyes” sound familiar to you? If you wonder why you have dark circles under eyes, then read on to discover the 8 most common reasons.
8 Ways to Reduce Hair Loss
Hair loss can be a tricky problem to deal with. Can we reduce hair loss by tweaking our lifestyle?
Patient Mailbox: Hair Loss and Psoriasis
Many of us also heard people saying that stem cell shampoo care can be used for hair loss. Read more about it here to see Dr Peter's advice!
5 Myths About Body Contouring
Body contouring is a group of cosmetic procedures, both surgical and nonsurgical, designed to sculpt and reshape the body. It is one of the fastest growing areas in aesthetic medicine. Regrettably, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding body contouring. In this article, we will be debunking the 5 most common myths about body contouring.
Patient Mailbox: Recommendation for Body Contouring Treatments
Incredibly stubborn fats under loose belly skin? Any recommended body reshape treatment that may help to acquire ideal abdominal shape?
5 Ways to Get Relief from Eczema
Eczema is a skin condition that causes skin inflammation and makes your skin turn dry, itchy, red and scaly and it can affect many areas of your life. How to get relief from eczema?